Legions & Legacies Read online

Page 21

  "Imminent abduction," Pipaluk questioned. "What's that?"

  Shania explained.

  "It's an old prophecy about when the Elder will remove the Ramillie and lock them for an age in a prison that none can pass from but only to."

  "What's that mean?" Pipaluk asked.

  "No one's quite sure on the details," Shania admitted, "But there will come a time the Ramillie are going to vanish."

  "Just like that?"

  "Just like that," Shania reiterated. "It says it will happen in the twinkling of an eye. No one knows the day, but the Codex does speak of signs to look for, and all those are here. Now there's a second part to the prophecy that the new age will also end with the releasing of the enemy. Rew here is what we call a seer. He has a gift for peering into the future, and I think he's right. It could be any time."

  Lamar, overhearing the conversation, mocked.

  "That's crazy," he jeered while shaking his head. "To think people are just going to vanish, puh. How can you believe such nonsense? It's ridiculous. People have been saying for hundreds of years that the Elder's going to come and take the Ramillie away. Well, guess what – it hasn't happened, and here's a newsflash, it's never going to happen."

  "I… I believe," Pipaluk declared.

  Shania smiled and quoted the Codex.

  "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Elder cometh."

  Ramillie airships continued the search the entire day. At nightfall, the fugitive group ventured out from the safety of their cave, but at Rew's bidding, each took a stone of the dwelling with them. They didn't understand why, but Rew felt it was the Elder's will, so they obeyed without understanding. With the planet's single moon on the far side of the world, the night was pitch and stars served as the only light. When a searching airship came near, the group would drop prone using their cloaks to fully cover them. To the eye, the bumps of their bodies were indistinguishable from the rolling dunes, and the stones they carried blinded the sensors to their presence. As dawn approached, the group came upon the sun-bleached bones of some animal of great size. Long-since picked clean by desert scavengers, the bones were perfect for building. The group used a few of the long, arching ribs to form a lean-to and tossed many of their cloaks over the top. They then covered the cloaks with sand to blend in with the ground. During the day, as the desert wanderers again freely drank of their single water source, Ramillie ships passed overhead, unable to detect the group hiding close below them.

  Taking the bones with them, the group used them to form shelters for the next five nights. Relentless Ramillie patrols kept the fugitives constantly on the lookout and frequently having to stop and cover as the effectively blind airships passed them by.

  On the seventh day since the group's release, still, not one of them was recaptured. Despite constant search efforts, all the Ramillie were able to find were traces of where the group had been, but not a single sighting of their current position. Koraden cursed and threw items about his opulent suite in fits of rage.


  "No, Overlord," kowtowed the Citadel's top Ramillie commander. "I have search parties scouring the desert around the clock."

  "They've been scouring for seven days," the Dridmor overlord bellowed.

  "Yes, Overlord," the mortal admitted. "We're doing all we can to track them."

  "Track them," Koraden repeated pensively. "That's it. We'll do what we planned all along. The Elderites can hide from your sensors, but I bet they can't hide from the Rhia. We'll let the beasts track them for us. Ready my mount, and prepare a search party. We leave immediately."

  Koraden was certain the desert lizards would quickly find their prey, and he was right.


  "For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread…" – Proverbs 6:26

  Considering what happened last time he journeyed to the moon of Shinar for a summit of the Assembly of Worlds, Alexander made the journey this time with a full complement of heavily armed warships. On this occasion, the voyage went without incident.

  "I don't want anyone to dress up for the normal sessions," he instructed the Realm delegation before they arrived. "We are on a war footing and are re-entering the Assembly as a strong fighting force. I want our resolve and strength to show loud and clear to every nation in attendance."

  Alexander's first meeting at the summit was with the AOW's legislative committee. He used the AOW bylaws to argue that since the liberated worlds of the Realm were not under Ramillie rule that the Hegemony could not represent them. The Ramillie's position was that Alexander's regime was a terrorist group occupying worlds legally belonging to the Hegemony. In typical Assembly fashion, a decision on the matter was tabled for a few days. As planned, a formal reception celebrating the engagement of Alexander to Lady Canton was set for the first night with several key dignitaries invited to attend. The last thing Aulani wanted to do was go the event, but at the king's request for her services, she agreed to go for at least a while.

  Entering the reception hall, Aulani immediately realized she was underdressed. In her loose-fitting, smoky blue fatigues and combat-style boots, she stood out among the other women, who were each adorned in elegant gowns of various styles from their worlds. When the king ordered everyone to attend the summit in combat gear, Aulani assumed that meant the same for the formal reception. Seeing other members of the Realm delegation in formal evening attire, she realized she was embarrassedly mistaken.

  Near the center of the room, hanging on Alexander's arm, was his fiancée, Vivica. Hearing a few whispers and seeing some subtle pointing to the entryway, Vivica looked to see the source of the commotion. Beholding the awkward newcomer, she smiled with delight.

  "Oh, there's Aulani," Vivica said to Alexander in a volume slightly louder than necessary. "Oh, the poor thing. She looks lost. I'll go help her," she told Alexander then went to the blushing translator.

  "I'm so glad you could make it," Vivica cooed excitedly as she extended her hands for the other woman to take. "Alexander will be so pleased. We didn't think you were coming."

  "I think I should go," Aulani said while backing toward the door. "This doesn't seem the right kind of a place for me."

  "Don't be ridiculous," Vivica chirped. "I'm thrilled you're here. You simply have to meet everyone."

  Taking the reluctant Aulani by the hand, Vivica led her to the group of dignitaries standing in a circle talking with Alexander.

  "Ah, Lady Canton," said Ambassador Erlin. "A pleasure to see you again." Eyeing her oddly clad companion he asked, "And who is your… guest?"

  Bubbly, Vivica introduced her.

  "Oh, this is Aulani Su-chet," she introduced, sounding out Aulani's last name purposely wrong.

  "Actually, it’s pronounced Sue-shay," Aulani corrected.

  "Whatever," Vivica said dismissively. "Anyway, Alex found her on that wilderness planet where he was marooned for all those years."

  Aulani wanted to crawl into a hole.

  "Uh, yes," Alexander replied. "Aulani was with a group that crashed years before me. They were most instrumental my surviving the ordeal. In fact, the first day I met her she saved my life." He looked at her adding, "She's a remarkable woman and my personal translator. I don't know what I'd do without her."

  Aulani smiled shyly at the compliment, but Erlin seemed unimpressed. Vivica's eyes narrowed.

  "Translator?" Erlin repeated haughtily. "Where did you study?"

  Wanting to have a more dignified response than to say she learned her translating skill while sitting on a fallen log in the jungle, Aulani thought fast.

  "I studied under Professor Didymus Galbraith."

  "Professor Galbraith, a renown linguist indeed," Erlin acknowledged in rising respect.

  "Yes," Vivica inserted. "He was stuck in those backwoods too. I guess you had hours in those huts to just talk about anything. Not too much else to do in the jungle I suppo

  "We…" Aulani began with blood rushing to her face, "we did have many long conversations. He was a wonderful mentor and a kind man - if not the bravest one," she recalled in fond memory.

  "Now, Aulani, let's not talk ill about the dearly departed," Vivica chided with a smile.

  "I didn't mean…," Aulani began in embarrassed excuse. "I'm sorry. He really was a wonderful man and a great teacher."

  As the music began to play, Vivica's sparkling eyes lit up. She pulled on Alexander's hand leading him to the dance floor.

  "Oh, Alex, they're playing our song," she chirped.

  "We have a song?" Alexander whispered questioningly to Vivica.

  "We do now," she replied quietly. Turning to the ambassador and Aulani, she addressed them.

  "Why don't you two join us?" Vivica invited with a bright smile.

  "I don't know," Aulani replied hesitantly. "I've not done much dancing."

  "Oh, you're being modest," Vivica insisted. "I'm sure from jumping around in those trees you're as agile as anything. It'll be alright. Alex and I will be right there beside you."

  Moving to the dance floor, Alexander whispered to his fiancé.

  "Vivica, I don't think this is a good idea," he cautioned.

  "Oh, she'll be fine. Honestly, I think you spend too much time worrying about her - too much indeed."

  As the music began, Aulani's stomach was all butterflies. Not knowing the protocols for the formal waltz, she figured she'd be safe by following the ambassador's example.

  Taking their positions, the couples stood two steps apart and faced each other. Erlin began by giving a sharp bow from the waist. Mimicking the move, Aulani did the same. Seeing Vivica and the other women doing a curtsy, Aulani kicked herself for the faux paw. Next, the couples took a step toward each other. As Erlin held one hand out high, Aulani griped his hand firmly.

  "No, like that; like her," he said indicating Vivica.

  Aulani noticed how Vivica placed her hand gently in Alexander's palm and how she and the other ladies were using their free hands to loosely grip their flowing gowns. Wearing pants, Aulani didn't know what to do so grabbed for the material of her loose-fitting trousers. As Erlin began to turn in an attempt to lead her in a graceful circle, Aulani clomped heavily in her boots. Noticing the way Vivica smoothly glided across the floor, she wondered how she did that while wearing such high, thin heels. The dance was a disaster, which seemed to Aulani to last an eternity. Time and again she bumped into the ambassador or stepped on his highly-polished shoes.

  Mid-way through the dance, a hand tapped the scowling ambassador's shoulder, causing him to pause.

  "Mind if I cut in?" asked the Marquis of Estrada.

  "Not at all," blurted the ambassador with great relief then tromped off angrily.

  Taking a half-step closer to his dance partner, Nathan bowed slightly then extended his hand for Aulani to grasp. Her face, flush from embarrassment because of the fiasco with the ambassador, now drained of all color entirely.

  "I… I don't kn-" she began stammering in excuse, but Nathan cut her off.

  "It'll be fine. Just relax, and let me lead you," he instructed with a reassuring smile, then gently directed her steps back to the sway of the music.

  Much to Aulani's amazement, she wasn't clobbering her new partner as the previous. Granted, her combat boots were far from gliding across the floor, but at least she wasn't stomping his toes and kicking his shins with every other step.

  "Marquis, I wa-"

  "Please, call me Nathan."

  She smiled.

  "Nathan, I want to thank you for saving the ambassador. He was getting really agitated."

  "That I'm sure of. I've known him for years; he's always been a pompous windbag, but I wasn't saving him; I came to save you."


  "Well, not to sound chauvinistic, but it did look like you needed rescuing. If you wan- Ow!"


  "It's okay," he said suppressing the expression of pain.

  "Believe it or not, I'm not usually this clumsy."



  "It's nothing," he dismissed with a wince. "Here, follow my-"

  Tripping over her own feet, Aulani began to lose her balance, but Nathan caught her, and gracefully spun them to counteract the weight so she wouldn't fall.

  Mercifully, the music at last ended and Aulani apologized to Nathan again then quickly excused herself, hurrying out of the room as the tears began welling.

  "Oh, the poor thing," Vivica cooed to Alexander. "She's so out of place. I feel sorry for her. She doesn't belong here."

  "I should go talk to her," Alexander said and started for the door, but Vivica placed a soft hand on his arm, halting him.

  Acting as though the thought had just occurred to her, Vivica shared an idea.

  "Oh, I hope she hasn't hurt your negotiations with the ambassador," Vivica mentioned. "He looks pretty upset."

  Alexander glanced at Erlin, who was busy wiping his much-scuffed shoes with great annoyance.

  "You go smooth things with the ambassador and let Aulani be alone," Vivica suggested. "She's embarrassed and won't want to see anyone right now anyway. Trust me, I'm a woman, and I know what she's feeling."

  "You're probably right," Alexander realized. "I didn't stop to think about her not having a dress for tonight. You shouldn't have pushed her to dance."

  "I was simply trying to make her feel welcome and try to fit in. It's not my fault if she's an uncultured bumpkin. You're worrying about her feelings more than mine."

  "Erlin's getting ready to leave," Alexander noticed in frustration as he wished he could be two places at once. "I have to catch him before he goes," he said and stepped to unruffle the ambassador's feathers.

  When Aulani heard a beep at her door, she quickly wiped her eyes. Praying it wasn't Alexander or Nathan, she pushed the button to open the door. To her relief and surprise, it was Vivica.

  "Lady Canton," she said as she stood, "what are you doing here?"

  "After that little incident, I thought we needed to talk."

  "I could use someone to talk to. Thank you," Aulani said.

  "Thank you," Vivica quipped in surprise. "You're not fooling me, Honey. I know what you're doing."

  "Know what I'm doing?"

  "Don't be coy. I see right through your little show. You're trying to play the sweet, innocent, and helpless girl in need of rescuing and hope Alex will rush in here to comfort you. Let me let you in on something, he's highly upset and sent me in here to tell you not to come back tonight because he's trying to patch up all the damage you did with the ambassador. He practically had to beg the marquis to step in before you ruined everything. So, your little plan has backfired. He was so embarrassed by you. I don't care where you're from, Sweetheart, it's the same game everywhere, and I know you’re making a play for my Alex. You may not have had any competition in that jungle and got to play house for a while, but you're in civilization now, so you had better cool it with him. I know you've been getting together."

  "Playing house? Getting together? Vivica, you've got it all wrong. Besides, Alexander isn't like that."

  "Puh," she scoffed. "If there's one thing I know, Honey, it's men. I've known Alex a lot longer than you, so I advise you to keep to translating and leave my Alex alone!"

  "Your Alex? You don't even know him anymore. You never did really. Why do you even think you should be with him?"

  "Why?" Vivica snapped sarcastically. "Because we're perfect together. One, he's cute. Two, he's the most powerful and wealthy man in the Realm. Third, he has a great title, king. Not only that, but he's also got this whole bad boy thing going because he's a rebel leader, and to top it off, he's winning. What's not to love?"

  "You don't love him," Aulani accused. "You love his position - the prestige it brings you, but you're in love alright, Vivica, with yourself."

  "You little tramp!"

  "Who are you calling a tramp?! Yo
u're the one who parades around flaunting everything she's got for the whole Realm to see!"

  "Well, some of us have it, and some of us don't. If I were you, I'd stay covered from head to toe too. Listen to this, Jungle Girl, I don't know who you think you are, so I'll inform you. You're a little girl far away from home who is way out of her league. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay out of my way. Alex is too good for you. He needs a lady at his side, a woman who actually has a little class rather than some nobody wearing combat boots!"

  Vivica marched to the door but stopped just before she exited and turned to look back, adding a final quip.

  "Oh, and if I were you, I'd be looking for another job. My guess is you're going to need a new one real soon." Then she smiled mockingly and left.

  Aulani was a mix of emotions all coming at her at once. She wanted to scream, cry, charge and run away. In one way she was infuriated with the shallow, blond vixen who was engaged to Alexander but didn't truly love him. On the other hand, she believed pompous socialite was correct - there was no way a girl from the jungle could compete with the likes of Vivica.

  Aulani's heart sank as she came to accept the verdict.

  She's right, I am way out of my league.

  Later that evening, Aulani made her way back to the outer door of to reception room and looked in through the glass. Dignitaries from the Realm and other worlds were there. The Marquis of Estrada was out of sight, but she could see Alexander discussing something with an alien ambassador. On the king's arm, was Vivica with her stunning dress, perfect figure, and gleaming smile. The epitome of poise and beauty, she garnered looks of admiration from each man in the room, and glances of envy from the women.

  "She's perfect," Aulani said softly to herself. A knot formed in her throat, matching the one in her stomach. From behind her came a voice.

  "I don't like her either."

  Startled, she turned to see who it was.

  "Your... Your Majesty," Aulani stammered in surprise upon noticing Cheyenne. With a bow, she quickly wiped her moist eyes while composing herself.

  "I'm sorry, Highness. I didn't know anyone… it just Alex was… I mean His Majesty was-"